Monday Blues

You know that feeling on Sunday night when the weekend's almost over and a hectic work week is about to commence? Learn how to manage those stress factors and shift gears into a more positive and happy mindset to beat those ugly Monday Blues. 

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Katie Lavidge

Breathing. It's something we do all day everyday, however the majority of our day we aren't even aware that we are doing it. Learn how to harness the power of your breath to help you slow down the stories in you mind, let go of stress and anxiety and chill out with these Relaxtation Breathing Techniques!

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Katie Lavidge
Doing vs. Being

Having a "to-do" list is great and can help you get a lot done in your day, but have you ever put together a "to-be" list? Learn more about how we can find a bit more balance in our day to day and start living with intention with this 5 minute exercise.

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Katie Lavidge
Finding Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the new yoga and by now I'm sure you have all heard of the many benefits this practice has to offer. But where did it come from and how can we start incorporating these teachings into our daily lives in a meaningful and impactful way? Check out this article that gives a little background insight into where Mindfulness came from and offers a worksheet to help you layout the foundation of your own personal practice. Step one of your mindfulness journey starts here!

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Katie Lavidge